What are the results from using eco-friendly practices and products on my lawn?
Using eco-friendly products and practices strengthens the many organisms in your soil. These organisms perform tasks that are vital to the health of your lawn. They:
Cycle nutrients
The organisms excrete nutrient-rich substances and pass them to plant roots.
Fix nutrients
The microorganisms pull nitrogen from the air and convert it into a form that plants can digest.
Decompose organic matter
Many soil organisms shred organic material and disperse them in a way that provides easier access for plant roots.
Retain nutrients
The soil food web helps keep nutrients in the soil, which would otherwise be flushed out by rain.
Fight off diseases
Healthy and living soil has a wide variety of life forms that can more easily fight against diseases.
Enhance bioturbation
Organisms such as ants, earthworms, termites and plant roots create tunnels in the soil that make it possible for air, gases, and water to flow through the soil.
Decompose toxins
Bacteria can break down pesticides and other pollutants in the soil.