Our Approach
Our Approach to Lawn Care
Our team will develop an individualized plan to improve your soil's quality for optimum root growth, giving you a lush and healthy lawn. We’re in it for the long run! We use high-grade products to make your lawn healthy and strong, and many of our products are produced locally!
In an effort to preserve Utah’s water supply and beautiful environment, we rely heavily on products to help your lawn use water and fertilizer more efficiently. This includes Hydretain™, humates, wetting agents, poultry waste, and soil amendments. We also offer generous incentives for clients who employ sustainable maintenance practices.
To further conserve water, we strongly recommend taking advantage of rebates for installing smart irrigation systems and xeriscaping curb strips. You may also want to replace unused sections of the lawn with native, drought-resistant plants.
Our monthly lawn fertilization + weed control service also includes free weed touchups.
Microorganisms are the building blocks of your lawn. It’s important to give them an environment in which they can thrive. Microorganisms act as natural fertilizer for your lawn and build a defense mechanism against harmful fungi, pests, and heat stress.
The cycle of life strengthens as you gradually reduce dependence on products that strip the soil of its richness—products like pesticides, fungicides, excessive amounts of nitrogen, and other chemicals.
By working with nature and boosting the health of these organisms, Bountiful Lawns can help you get a beautiful lawn, all while reducing the amount of nitrogen and chemical runoff that pollute Utah's water.
— Over time your lawn will require less nitrogen, chemicals, and water. We’re in it for the long run! —